Distinguish Guests, Members, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Welcome to the HKCCMA Virtual Annual General Meeting 2020/2021! The AGM has to be held online due to the severe epidemic situation in Hong Kong and for epidemic prevention and control. In addition to introducing HKCCMA's achievements last year, we will also announce the winner of CMEA (Credit Management Excellence Award).
At this point, my sincere thanks to the 2020-2021 Committee Members for their loyalty and contribution provided to this Association.
• The 2020-2021 members of the Executive Committee were as following;
➤Chairman: Bobby Rozario
➤Vice Chairman: Germany Heng
➤Secretary & Treasurer: Peter Wong
Committee Chairs:
➤Membership: Jeffrey Chan
➤Certification, Compliance & Complaint: Benedict Wong
➤Education: Vincenzo Resta
➤Publication: Bobby Rozario
➤Public Relations: Anthony Cheng
➤Annual Award: Ricky Chan
➤Director of Education: Calvin Ho
➤Director of Communication: Vina Leung
Web Master:
➤Alpha Analytics Ltd.
• Our Appreciation: Advisors Panel
The Association maintains a panel of Honorary Advisors to help us to resolve our daily issues in connection with various legal and related governance issues.
➤ACA International, the leading international association of credit and collection professionals. Headquartered in Minneapolis, ACA serves members in the United States, Canada and 55 other countries worldwide.
➤Mr. Victor C. Y. Chan, a qualified solicitor, Partner of Victor Chan and Co., the Association's Honorary Legal Advisor.
➤Mr. Ricky J. F. Li, a qualified attorney in China, Partner of Alpha and Leader Law Firm, the Association's Honorary China Legal Advisor
➤Mr. Neil Wood, Past Chairman and International Directors of ACA International and Past Chairman of Institute of Mercantile Agents in Australia
• Our Changes:
New Auditor and Company Secretary
he Association has hired a new CPA firm to take up the role as Auditor and Company Secretary in 2021.
We Accounting and Tax Services Ltd.
15/F, Chung Pont Commercial Building, 300 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Mr. Raymond Chan | Partner | FCPA (Practising) / FCCA / CTA (HK) / AITHK / MFin / BSc (Hons)
• Our Achievement:
1)"Post COVID-10 Risk Management Forum"
On Jul 16 2021, the Education Committee organized a Risk Management Forum. Industry leaders were invited to discuss risk assessment strategies to tackle challenges in the new normal environment. Over 150 viewers were recorded.Viewer may go into our Youtube channel to replay the recordings.
Mr. Benedict Wong, President & CEO of Total Credit & Risk Management Group.
Mr. Vincenzo Resta, Asia Regional Executive Director of CRIF.
Mr. Bobby R. Rozario, Managing Director of Alpha & Leader Risks and Assets Management Co. Ltd.
Moderator: Mr. Peter Wong, Director of Total Credit & Risk Management Group
• Our Achievement:
2) Webinar"Credit and Risk Management Best Practice"
On Dec 8 2021, the Education Committee of HKCCMA and the Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs (SUCCESS), a government organization under Trade and Industry Department (TID), co-organized a webinar on "Credit and Risk Management Best Practice".We have shared our thoughts on risk management measures on short, medium and long range, rationalization of credit limits, exposure and utilization as well as various risk mitigation measures which help enterprises making wise credit decision during pandemic.
Our Chairman Mr. Bobby Rozario was invited to be guest speaker for this event.
• Our Achievement:
3) Articles and Survey
The Publication Committee published articles and survey regularly on different topics in related to risk management. In 2021, we published an article on “Setting Credit Limits”, in which there was an overwhelming response. Details of the article can be retrieved from our website or in the Association's LinkedIn account.
• Our Achievement:
4) Quarterly TGIF
The Public Relations Committee held one TGIF for members and guests in Q3 of 2021. TGIF has been a long tradition of the Association; an informal gathering session for members and guests to gather and network. It has been one of the most popular events of the Association besides the AGM.
• Other Issues:
2021 has been a difficult year for most of us. The Association has endeavored to maintain it normal course of business during the year despite having to postpone or cancel some of our main regular events.
➤First Virtual Annual General Meeting
The Association held its first Virtual Annual General Meeting on Feb 4 2021. It was the Association's first Virtual AGM in its 21 years of establishment.
➤Professional Designation Examination
Two examinations for the CCP professional designation were held in 2021. We have a total of 5 newly qualified CCPs in the past year.
➤Job Posting for Members
A new job posting feature has been introduced for members to utilize the Association's website
➤Business Referral
The Association has been receiving business referral requests over the years. The Secretary section has been directing these emails to our corporate members.
➤Credit and Debt Recovery Tool Book
The Publication Committee has commenced work on issuing its first Chinese publication on a Credit and Debt Recovery Tool Book. The target time to publish is 2023.
Thank You For Joining
We will see you again at our next event!
Bobby Rozario
Guangzhou, March 4 2022